Pictured: NEFC Staff with their new Minister for Rural and Economic Development Hon. Joseph Lelang and Public Service Minister Hon. Joe Sungi.


Minister for Rural and Economic Development Hon. Joseph Lelang has commended the National Economic and Fiscal Commission for its efforts in undertaking the review on the Intergovernmental Financing Arrangement.

“We have this huge decentralization the political structure that we have and the devolution of powers, functions, the decentralization of those powers and functions to the provincial and the districts. How is that going to take shape?

“How are we going to move forward? “When we look at the Intergovernmental Financing Arrangements. “Because mark my word this is the way we are going to go. “And the onus is on all of us. “So, I’m very happy to be appointed as the minister responsible for NEFC. These are exciting times ahead” he said.

“I acknowledged that you will soon complete the review on Intergovernmental Financing Arrangement. “This is the area I’m also interested in. “I want to look at it and will see whether the current arrangements that we are financing to the provincial governments is the best way to go.

“And if we are improving on that, what is NEFC’s position on how we bundle the financing that should go to the provinces.

“Don’t forget keeping in mind the importance of the decentralization structure we have” Lelang reminded NEFC.

Minister Lelang further stressed that most of these provinces need to be independent, they need to become self-independent in terms of funding.

“And I’m pretty sure you have done some work on that. “There are some provinces who entirely dependent on National Government, some have some internal revenue generated, but it is about time we need to start looking at possibility that when you transfer funds to subnational governments be mindful. “We must look at the future of how we reorganize the government under the decentralized political structure that we adopted in 1997” he said.

Lelang said, in Parliament governors have been raising concerns on Law and order.

“Why don’t we give to each province to run their law and order as long as the police understand and come up with a function structure where provinces can manage some functions while the national government looks after others.

“Now if this is agreed to and is moved over, what kind of funding arrangements must go with it? “Why should governors coming to the Parliament raising issues about law and order when they can manage it themselves. “Maybe that’s the way to go. And I think this is the future. “And NEFC you have a very important role in this regard” said Lelang.